Veil Jourde Mornings | GDPR, Six years later: Crossed viewpoints

Veil Jourde looked back last week at the practical implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) entered into effect 6 years ago.
Nicolas Brault, partner in Intellectual Property, Media & New Technologies and Ismaël Koné, counsel in Employment Law, shared their views and experiences on this regulation, which aims to unify and strengthen the protection of personal data within the European Union.
They looked at employers‘ obligations in terms of personal data processing, the risks in the event of a control from the French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty (
CNIL), employees’ rights and their limits, and raising companies’ awareness of the consequences of non-compliance.The session then moved on to how to deal with the right of access of employees to their personal data and the need for companies to be vigilant in this respect, and the increasing presence of the RGPD in employment litigation, which is a major trend as reflected in recent decisions of the Cour de cassation (France’s highest judicial court).
Finally, in the light of recent decisions and numerous cases encountered, they highlighted a number of good practices.