Veil Jourde advises KanAm Grund Group in the sale of the 300 Prado building in Marseille to the Finamas group

KanAm Grund Group sells the 300 Prado building in Marseille to the Finamas group. After its acquisition in 2019, the German investor transferred the famous Marseille office building to the private real estate company of the Masliah family.
With an area of 5,000 square meters and located in the heart of Marseille’s Carré d’Or, 300 Prado is mainly occupied by EDF, but also by Mazars, an international leader in auditing, taxation and consulting.
In this transaction, KanAm Grund Group was advised by Veil Jourde, with Carol Santoni and Louise Duvernois, partners.
Press review
- Le Monde du droit, 11 mars 2024, “Veil Jourde, conseil de KanAm Grund Group dans sa cession du 300 Prado”
- BusinessImmo, 8 mars 2024, “Un nouveau trophy asset pour le Groupe Finamas”
- CFNewsImmo, 8 mars 2024, “Marseille : le 300 Prado se cultive avec une foncière familiale”
- Global Legal Chronicle, 13 mars 2024, “Finamas Acquiert l’Immeuble Marsellais 300 Prado”