Veil Jourde advises IDIA Capital Investissement, BPI France and IRD Invest in the OBO of Alive Group
Veil Jourde advises IDIA Capital Investissement, Bpifrance and IRD Invest on the occasion of the OBO of the Alive group
The Alive group, a major French player in technical event and connected solutions, is entering a new phase of growth and welcomes IDIA Capital Investissement, Bpifrance and IRD Invest as new investors. The outgoing funds are Re-Source Capital and Siparex Entrepreneurs.
In this transaction IDIA Capital Investissement, Bpifrance and IRD Invest were advised by the firm Veil Jourde, with Laurent Jobert, partner, Vincent Ramel, counsel, and Clara Muhar, associate, on the contractual and corporate aspects; Benoît Gréteau, partner, and Charlotte Martinez, associate, on tax aspects; Pauline Larroque-Daran, partner, Ismaël Kone and Chloé Noyon, associates, on social law issues.
Alive Group, a major French player in technical event and connected solutions, was advised by Hervé Pillard, partner, on the financing.
Press references
- Le Monde du droit, 3 octobre 2023, Deals, ” OBO du groupe Alive : Veil Jourde aux côtés des investisseurs du groupe dans sa nouvelle phase de croissance “
- LJA , 7 octobre 2023, ” Trois cabinets sur la réorganisation capitalistique d’Alive “
- Capital Finance, 2 octobre 2023, ” IDIA, Bpifrance et IRD Invest entrent en minoritaires chez Alive “
- CFNews, 28 septembre 2023, ” Alive Groupe célèbre un OBO “
- Global Legal Chronicle, 5 octobre 2023, France,” OBO du groupe Alive “